Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Plain Jane

Have you seen this show?  It is ridiculous!!

Basically a "plain jane" girl comes onto the show for a makeover, hoping to change enough to be able to approach a boy she has a crush on.

I totally disagree with this show.  It makes me so sad that this show is telling girls that they have to change themselves in order to be like by guys.  The girl featured on tonight's show was already beautiful, unique, special.  She didn't need a makeover.  If anything, she needed the opportunity to find confidence in herself. 

I understand that feeling good about the way you look can enhance your general feelings about yourself.  However, placing self-worth in looks is not a solution.

The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
Verse from 1 Samuel 16:7 New International Version

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Busy, Busy Day

What a beautiful, busy day.

It started with a great church service.  The Holy Spirit was obviously moving throughout the music, with great lyrics and an openess in the room.  I love seeing hands lifted in adoration.  Brother Bob's message was really good (a continuation of the year of prayer and evangelism series he is doing in 2010).  Lee-Husband and I got to work in the nursery during the second hour.  He has rocked babies to sleep plenty of times, but this was his first success at transferring them into a crib without them waking up.  Pretty cool.

After church we headed home to bake some mini oreo cheesecakes that I got from the Peanut Butter Fingers blog.  (Love that girl's blog.)  The dessert was quick and easy to make.  And extremely yummy.

Lee putting the oreos in the bottom of the muffin tins.

Somehow we ended up with a lot of leftover batter.  Like a lot of a lot of leftover batter.  I tried to just eat it all, but I am sad to say that some of it went in the trash. 

Then it was on to Lee-Honey's grandparents for Sunday dinner.  Yum!  His granny had made chicken and noodles and a really good corn and tomato salad.  I love Sundays.  God, food, and family (you know, the important stuff.)  Everyone on his mom's side of the family was there, and it was great to catch up and just be with them.  His family is one of the best- I am so blessed to have them in my lives now.

After we left his grandparents, we went to the gym.  Usually we make it a point to avoid working out on Sundays, but as I had missed my last two runs, we went for it.  I needed it for my mental health!!  I ran what I felt like was a fast two miles plus one lap (I purposely left my watch and Ipod/ Nike shoe thingy at home) and Lee did what he described as a "pull" workout.  The gym was fairly empty, though there were two different fitness classes that happened while I ran.  Everytime I run I think about going to a fitness class, but it just never happens with my schedule.

Next we went to a swim party for our small group from church.  One of the couples hosts it every year near the end of the summer, and it's always a fun, relaxing time.  This was the first year that several of the families had kids, so it was silly to play with the kids in the water.  I don't believe in posting pictures of other people's children on the internet (well, unless I have express permission, which I don't), but I wish that I did...one of the little boys was seriously adorable in his swimsuit with the life jacket attached- what a cutie! 

We didn't stay too long at the pool party, because today is my mom's birthday!!  She is 55 today!!! Woot, woot!  One of my sisters and my brother were both in town to help celebrate.  Yay for casserole and cake.

Some of the birthday goods.

Alicia is obsessed with cows, so she also got a gift.  (I love buying presents.)

After all the party fun, I had to come home and work on some homework for an online class that I have this semester.  One of our assignments was due at 11:30 pm, but it was a group assignment...which meant that at 11 I was still waiting for people in my group to finish up their part of the project.  I don't understand group projects in an online class...

And now it's time for bed!  The week promises to be busy, but hopefully good.  Praying that God refines me and uses me in every situation I find myself in.  2 Cor. 13:11 Finally, brethren, farewell. Aim to be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Making bows and headbands with Stephanie and Tara. Tara was a pro! Steph and I were just so-so.

Location:Old Highway 51,Broken Arrow,United States

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Picking an NFL Team

I'm trying to decide on my very own NFL team.  I figured that football would be a lot more fun if I had a team to cheer on.  And of course I love any excuse for theme dressing, and have already started shopping around for a jersey/ sweat pants/ hat/ etc.

Some of you may argue that you just don't pick out your favorite team.  However, I think this is one of those rare chances when you do.  I didn't grow up in a home that preferred one team over another, and we don't have a team in Oklahoma.  Lee's favorite team is Dallas (more of a family team), but also likes the Saints, Falcons, and Vikings.

My top choices (based on favored players, uniform color schemes, proximity to Tulsa, reputation of the team, and so on):

Dallas Cowboys
Minnesota Vikings
New England Patriots
Indianapolis Colts
New Orleans Saints

Victoria's Secret came out with a cute line of NFL wear....check it out at here.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to the Running

I went running for the first time since May on Monday.  It was awful.  And by awful, I mean really, REALLY awful.  It hurt.  I had side stitches.  I had to take walk breaks.  I ran at the gym and I thought the Zumba girls were mocking me with each pass (eleven laps to a mile.)  It took me 28:19 to do two pathetic little miles.

But today was a new day.  My first mile came in at 10:45, which is close to normal time for me.  I walked some on the second mile, but still came in at 22 minutes, which I think is pretty sweet.

The best part is that I'm starting to feel like "me" again.  With just two runs under my belt, I already feel like a runner again.  My headaches are gone, and my mood has swung from depressed to much happier.

Have you ever gone back to running after time off?  What are your tips to help me get back into the swing of things?

Monday, August 16, 2010


I got sent home "sick" from work today due to a case of hives and a fever.  I have always had sensitive skin and can react to things fairly often (maybe once every five or six months.)  However, in the last month I have had hives or a hive-like rash five or six times.  One of these hive incidents resulted in me getting diagnosed with my very first drug allergy.  That's right, sulpha based drugs are not my friend.  If I ever get knocked out and you have to take me to the hospital, please tell them not to give me any sulpha drugs as I could get put into the burn unit with all of my skin falling off.  Thanks.  :)

I am technically not cleared to exercise until my doctor's appointment next Monday...BUT my half marathon is thirteen weeks away and I haven't ran since May.  I downloaded the SmartCoach app from the Itunes app store as a training guide.  It told me to run two miles today.  I'm trying to decide if I should follow the doctor's rules or go for a relaxing, endorphin-releasing run.  I have had a constant headache for the last few weeks and have a theory that a run would crush that head pain.

My college semester starts tonight.  Part of me is really excited, while the other part of me is having a hard time redirecting my focus back to school.  I am currently enrolled in three classes and am trying to get into a fourth.  It's a closed online class, and my odds aren't looking so hot.  I'll let you know what I find out.