

The Imitation of Christ- Thomas a'Kempis

My Utmost for His Highest- Oswald Chambers

Renewed Day by Day- AW Tozer

The One Year Book of Christian Poetry- Philip Comfort and Daniel Partner


Mere Christianity- CS Lewis

Crazy Love- Francis Chan


The Sermon on the Mount- John RW Stott

Knowing God- JI Packer

Basic Christianity- John RW Stott

Holiness- JC Ryle


The 5 Love Languages- Gary Chapman

The Practice of Godliness- Jerry Bridges

The Mark of a Christian- Francis A Schaeffer

Real Christianity- William Wilberforce

The Magnificent Obsession- David Swartz

The Cost of Discipleship- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Introduction to the Devout Life- St Francis de Sales

The Set of the Sail- AW Tozer

Triumph Over Temptation- John Owen (This is a trilogy)

The Quotable Tozer- An Anthology- AW Tozer

A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life- William Law

On Knowing Christ- Selected Sermons- Jonathon Edwards


The Knowledge of the Holy- AW Tozer

What's So Amazing About Grace?- Philip Yancey

Your God is Too Small- JB Phillips

The Problem of Pain- CS Lewis

Christian Reflections- CS Lewis


The Hunger Games (Trilogy)- Suzanne Collins

The Great Divorce- CS Lewis

The Screwtape Letters- CS Lewis

In His Steps- Charles M Sheldon

The Chronicles of Narnia- CS Lewis

Harry Potter Series- J. K. Rowling

Voice in the Wind (Trilogy)- Francine Rivers