I feel drained tonight...I am tired of giving so much away with so little left for myself. I delight in loving others, in sharing with them and being with them. But sometimes I think life asks too much. And I accept it's seductive plea. I give it all until there is nothing left for me...And once again it's 10:00 and I haven't studied for my test tomorrow or written my paper for my Personality class tomorrow or cleaned the house or played with the dogs or finished my lesson plans or even taken a shower after my run.
God laid on my heart the Proverbs 31 woman. He spoke about her in His word as a guide for how we as women should live our lives. So often I get caught up in what the world tells me my life should look like. I usually don't even realize the influences in my life until I compare my attitudes to those of Christ and find them lacking. Tonight I feel like God is whispering to me to leave it be, to leave it behind and to follow Him. I need to gain my approval from Him and Him alone. He is the one I need to strive to please, the one who delights in my success.
"She extends her hand to the poor, And she stretches out her hands to the needy." (Proverbs 31:20)
"Strength and dignity are her clothing, And she smiles at the future. She opens her mouth in wisdom, And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. " (Proverbs 31:25 and 26)
"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her the product of her hands, And let her works praise her in the gates." (Prov 31:30 and 31)
This semester ends in three weeks. I will see my husband in four weeks. I need to calm down and finish strong.
What do you do when life crashes in on you? How do you save enough of yourself for yourself?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Put It All In
Today's post is going to be a little like one of Paula Deen's famous desserts- full of everything. Hope you enjoy this post as much as a Paula Deen cake (oh, who am I kidding? This post can't compare to her scrumptiousness.)
The lovely sis-n-law and me at her wedding shower. So happy for her!!!
Girls night at Los Cabos on the Rivewalk
Bethany, you are amazing!!!! Your tan makes my tan look like shredded cocunut.
The softball fields I run around
Just me and the road. Peace.
I enjoyed watching people fish while I ran around them.
Does this water look scary to you?
My tap water looks yellow. Really! Yucky rural water....
Too thirsty to be a chooser (as in "beggars can't be choosers).
All done!
88 degrees! As the inspiring Lindsay Cotter asked, where did the Spring go?
And then it rained. Which is good, because I needed a car wash. :)
Song of the Day- "Tomorrow" by Chris Young
Yes, it is sad. But I think his voice is good, and I like the sound of the song. I can understand being with someone who is all wrong for you, or knowing you are all wrong for the person you are with and still loving them. Been there, done that, then I met my husband. Well, not so much met as claimed.
This is Albert Pujols, the first baseman for the St Louis Cardinals. I watched a really interesting interview with him on 60 Minutes today and he is totally a superstar. He is a strong Christian, he adopted his wife's daughter who has Downs Sydnrome, and he gives back in a major way to his home cities in the Dominican Republic. Very cool. And he is Baptist, which is cool to hear. (That's a freebie I had to look up on the Internet since CBS would only mention his faith in vague terms.)
And that's it for now, folks. I'm sure I'll think of something else I want to pass along to you later. :) Have a good one.
Friday, April 8, 2011
I Like Talking About You You You Usually...
I am lucky to have great friends supporting me while my husband is away. One of those friends is Joe, who is a former Navy member. He graciously offered to take some photos of me so that I could send them to my Airman. Here are a few of the ones he took.
Well, that was enough of me...
Tonight I was able to spend the night with my beautiful sister in law. She is truly an angel, and I realize how lucky I am to get along with and enjoy my in laws.
Now I am sitting at my in laws' house watching DC Cupcakes. I get a kick out of watching the interaction between the sisters. They love pink and I love pink too. And I also love cupcakes. Seriously. I wish I could wear a pink apron and pink rain boots to work every day. Actually, I probably could get away with that. Hmmm. Something to consider.
Could you wear a pink apron or pink rain boots to your job?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
I ran tonight! Well, it was more of a jog or a slow canter. But it still happened! And my toe didn't hurt one bit. (Although it is trying to give me trouble now that I'm home. It's actually starting to look like I never had the procedure done at all. Oh no.)

This is me saying "Here goes nothing!". My darling sister/ roommate/ running buddy and I did about a mile and a half, maybe two. It was slow, but wonderful. Running really is my therapy. The wind was cool and gentle, the moon and stars illuminated our path, and I felt totally alive.
I had forgotten how running makes the world make a little more sense. I am a better person when I run. Especially when it's just God and me, pounding the pavement.
I'm up again with a late night of homework... Boo. I don't care about research methods or statistics or hair cells. But I don't mind studying for my Personality of Psych test. That class actually applies to my current job and the future paths I may take.
Did you enjoy any of your college classes? Did many of them actually apply to your post college job?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
This is me saying "Here goes nothing!". My darling sister/ roommate/ running buddy and I did about a mile and a half, maybe two. It was slow, but wonderful. Running really is my therapy. The wind was cool and gentle, the moon and stars illuminated our path, and I felt totally alive.
I had forgotten how running makes the world make a little more sense. I am a better person when I run. Especially when it's just God and me, pounding the pavement.
I'm up again with a late night of homework... Boo. I don't care about research methods or statistics or hair cells. But I don't mind studying for my Personality of Psych test. That class actually applies to my current job and the future paths I may take.
Did you enjoy any of your college classes? Did many of them actually apply to your post college job?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
This is for you, Laurie
I was reminded by my dear friend that I haven't blogged in awhile. This semester is trying to kill me. I'm enrolled in five classes (one of which is a lab). I am working forty (plus) hours a week. I have two fifteenish page papers due in April and June for PITC trainer certification. My toe injury is just now about healed enough to run, so it's been over a month since I worked out and over two months since I ran last. Oh, and my husband is in his fourth week at Basic Military Training (boot camp) for the Air National Guard.

(Pink and black logo designed for the wives and girlfriends like me)
I was pretty much in denial about him leaving prior to his departure. Now that he is gone, I've had to step up my manic obsessive researching and find out more about what he is actually doing. I am so proud of him for making this decision to serve our country. I am truly honored to be married to a man who has a hero's heart. I have always known that he is the kind of man who puts others before self, who sacrifices in the time of need, who does the right thing when no one else does. But now that he is in the military, I think he will have opportunities to show others that kind heart.
(In a side note, this is new for me, because my political/social beliefs are kind of anti-war. I believe that war exists and that it will always exist, but I hate it. But that's a discussion for another day. Remind me to cover capital punishment then too.)
I have been trying to become a better version of myself in his absence. I had some grand plans to get in shape and lose about ten pounds, but the above mentioned conglomorate of random time-sucking activities is making that hard. I have accomplished a beautiful tan! I also have made a point to spend time alone with God, listening to Him and reading His word before I write my husband each night. It has really made a difference in my life.
Are any of you from military families? Do you have advice for me or for him? This is hard!
(Pink and black logo designed for the wives and girlfriends like me)
This semester (my last full time one!!) would have been crazy anyway, but being separated from Lee is what is really miserable. Everything in my life revolves around him. My world is now a little bit off kilter. My friends and family have been amazing sources of support, so that helps. Some. :) I have spoken with him twice and received three letters. I carry his letters around with me in my purse...what can I say, I'm in love. I knew he was my favorite, my best friend, my everything, but my comittment to him has been renewed in this time apart. I will go to his graduation in the middle of May and I can't wait to see how he has changed into an Airman. I was pretty much in denial about him leaving prior to his departure. Now that he is gone, I've had to step up my manic obsessive researching and find out more about what he is actually doing. I am so proud of him for making this decision to serve our country. I am truly honored to be married to a man who has a hero's heart. I have always known that he is the kind of man who puts others before self, who sacrifices in the time of need, who does the right thing when no one else does. But now that he is in the military, I think he will have opportunities to show others that kind heart.
(In a side note, this is new for me, because my political/social beliefs are kind of anti-war. I believe that war exists and that it will always exist, but I hate it. But that's a discussion for another day. Remind me to cover capital punishment then too.)
I have been trying to become a better version of myself in his absence. I had some grand plans to get in shape and lose about ten pounds, but the above mentioned conglomorate of random time-sucking activities is making that hard. I have accomplished a beautiful tan! I also have made a point to spend time alone with God, listening to Him and reading His word before I write my husband each night. It has really made a difference in my life.
Are any of you from military families? Do you have advice for me or for him? This is hard!
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